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Comments from Virtual_Tourist

Date Story title Comment
2009-04-10 23:30:02 Jia's Awakening Ch 5 - Anal exploration That has to be the best build up to anal sex that I have read on this site.
2009-04-13 00:19:37 The Unexpected_(1) Well set up for the follow on with Bailey...
2014-08-29 06:33:03 My neighbor, Mrs. West's daughter (part one) I really enjoyed the build up in this part.
Hope you can write the second part soon.
2010-09-10 20:11:12 switching bodies with my niece Can you please keep this story line going as it is just getting interesting.
2010-09-10 20:38:22 Wanting to fuck what you shouldn't (as a girl that young)... Please continue this story line.