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Comments from DragoTime

Date Story title Comment
2017-05-05 13:18:53 Master PC - Cumming in Cymru - Chapter 03 Longer chapters means less frequent chapters.
2017-05-20 23:44:58 Master PC - Cumming in Cymru - Chapter 03 Chapter 4 submitted. Or it's currently available on StoriesOnline. I'm sorry for how long it's taken.
2017-05-23 09:42:20 Master PC - Cumming in Cymru - Chapter 04 No old characters. This is set in its own universe (Well, the wider Master PC universe).
2017-06-08 12:26:36 Master PC - Cumming in Cymru - Chapter 04 Because I'm a student and the past few weeks I've been inundated with uni work. However, as of this weekend I'll be free, so Saturday/Sunday I intend to get the next chapter written and out. Sorry, but all my free time at the moment has been taken up. I don't like it either.