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A goddess who teases and toys with the mortal that summoned her, while keeping her contract through his continued virginity
I groaned as I woke up, my mind fuzzy as it attempted to consolidate what had happened the night before. A dream... it had to ha-

As soon as my eyes adjusted to the morning light, I realized that it was, in fact, not just a dream, and not just the morning light that had stirred me awake. No, there was a fully naked goddess currently straddling my hips, teasing my morning wood against her pussy lips. "What the..." For some reason I had thought that she would have disappeared back to her shrine or something after last night. "What are you still doing here?" I ask, trying to clear my mind in the wake of the morning and her soft grinding.

"I haven't fulfilled your wish yet, have I?" She smiled, dropping onto her and hands and knees, her face now hanging over my own, her hair framing her pale skin. I suppose that was true. I relaxed the tension in my body that I hadn't even realized was building. "Just relax and enjoy this, boy... It's not every day one gets a deity to pleasure them." She rolled off of me, sitting beside me for a moment before effortlessly lifting me and dropping her onto her naked lap. "Just relax..." She repeated. "Enjoy yourself."

Her left hand began stroking my hair, her fingers gliding from my forehead over my scalp. Her other rested on my thigh, her fingers gently brushing against my shaft in the cool morning air, exploring my manhood gently and slowly. I sighed. She was right. I should be enjoying myself. I kept my eyes shut as I rested in her lap, nuzzling against her soft belly and thighs as she teased my length, her fingers now gently cupping and kneading my balls. "Yes, boy... relax." Her fingers now gripped loosely around my shaft, not even stroking it, but rather feeling its texture in her hand, up and down, up and down. I sighed again, precum starting to drip from the head of my cock as she worked.

I was practically melting into her touch, rubbing my cheek against her hand as her thumb massaged my face. I don't know if I had ever felt this relaxed before, as if she had some sort of divine calming aura affecting my soul. The warmth of her body, her belly rising and falling with the rhythm of her soft breathing, the softness of her thighs against my cheek, and the gentleness of her hand as it stroked my cock. No, it wasn't a dream. I could say that confidently. This was so much better.

We must have stayed like that for ten minutes before my mind finally registered with what she had said before. I rolled onto my back to look up at her, only to realize that her breasts were much to large to be able to look her in the eyes while I rested on her lap. I closed my eyes again, blushing slightly as I asked. "You not fulfilling my wish.. that's to lose my virginity, right? You'll disappear after you take it?"

Her voice was thick as honey, and just as soothing. "That's right, dear, but it doesn't even have to be me." I struggled to pull myself out of the cloud of pleasure, sitting up and resting back against my bed so that I could see her without falling victim to her seductive traps. Although perhaps being able to look at her naked body was just as hard as laying on it.

"Don't you want to though? Isn't that like, your whole purpose? And I'm sure the divine realm or whatever is much more awesome than this lousy place." She giggled as she moved to join me, leaning her head against my shoulder. I was much too shy to force her away, even with her fluffy fox ear tickling against my cheek. She placed her hand on my chest as she spoke, "Not really, boy- I do as I please. It is the job of the mortals to keep me pleased, so that I might bestow fortune upon them." Her hand started to glide down my body. "And I haven't been to the mortal plane in a long time, I want to take my time before leaving."

Take her time? I didn't really know exactly what that meant, but I suspected that for an immortal being, it was probably longer than just a few days. "So if I please you, you'll grant my wish?" I asked, hopefully. If that entailed visiting her shrine and praying as I had done before, maybe I could actually lose my virginity soon.

"Maybe.. but I must say that I find teasing you much more pleasurable than anything else at the moment." She swung her leg over my hips, pressing herself on top of me once more. "Think about it like this..." She said, as she rose to her full height. I had forgotten just how tall she really was, now towering over me. "You're just as close as before, but you get to have a divine being attend to your pleasure in the meanwhile-" She started to grind her hips, pressing her pussy against my hardened shaft, so tantalizingly close to penetration. "I can't imagine a mortal turning that down." She finished, her voice a bit higher than before as she pleasured her folds against the underside of my cock.

She was right, I suppose, even though she seemed to have quite the ego. I would too, though, if people prayed to me everyday for thousands of years.

"But having some goddess constantly reminding me that I'm still a virgin isn't a great tradeoff." I muttered. I would just have to try even harder than before. I didn't want to be used by this spirit, my pain an excuse for her stupid vacation. I tried to push her off of me, but she didn't budge in the slightest. She feigned a pouting face, but her eyes were twinkling with mischief.

Despite my protests she leaned forward, smothering my face in her massive pillowy tits, her pussy pressing even harder against my cock, the folds fitting around my shaft. I tried to push her off, flailing and kicking but it was no use. My hands sunk into her boobs like jello, barely giving myself enough room to breathe. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders, hands reaching up to cradle my head into her bosom, her tits weighing around my shoulders and neck as she squeezed me against her.

"Oh, you mortals are the same..." she cooed as she stroked my hair. "You're already close to cumming, aren't you? I can tell-" She giggled. "All it takes is some rubbing against your cock and the touch of beautiful woman to make you fold, hm?" I tried to protest, but she muffled out my cries. Fuck, she was right too. My cock was almost ready to burst from her shifting hips pressing up and down, increasing and decreasing pressure against it-

And then there was a knock on my bedroom door, and she disappeared. I quickly pulled the sheets up over myself, pressing up my knees to hide my throbbing erection as the door swung open. I did my best to hide the fact that I was still oxygen-starved as my mom's face filled my view. "You okay, honey?" She asked. "Breakfast has been ready for thirty minutes now, make sure you come down before it gets cold."

"Ah- oh! Is it that late already? I uh- I didn't check the time, I'll be right down!" I answered with what was hopefully a convincing smile. I didn't think I sounded that out of breath, at least.

I hopped out of bed as soon as the door closed behind her, stuffing my raging boner into a pair of boxer briefs before quickly throwing on some shorts and a t-shirt. My fists were clenched as I scanned the room, utterly furious with the fox. But she wasn't there. It would be risky to yell with my parents downstairs, and trying to get mad at an empty room felt really stupid. So as soon as I managed to calm down my seething, I took a deep breath and walked down into the kitchen.

"Really, is that what you're wearing?" My father asked as I sat down at the table before a warm pile of pancakes smothered in syrup. "Huh?" I began to ask what he meant, before remembering. I had been so busy dealing with the goddess I had forgotten I had a date scheduled this afternoon. "I know it's not a fancy restaurant, but you should dress up a little, show her you care."

"Right! Yeah, no, I'll change before leaving, don't worry." He nodded before putting his cup of coffee up to his lips, eyeing me down from across the table. I did my best to act as normally as I possibly could as I quickly finished eating.

I finished as quickly as I could before racing back upstairs. I closed my door, turning around expecting to see the goddess, preparing to give the berating speech that had been stewing in my mind all breakfast. But it was completely silent. I sighed, sitting down at my computer as I anxiously waited for 7 o'clock to arrive.

I was incredibly nervous as I met her outside the doors of the local seafood restaurant we had agreed to meet up at. Her name was Laina, and we had been texting online for a couple weeks now, but unfortunately I was a mess when it came to meeting girls in person, which probably was a good reason why I hadn't managed to land a girlfriend yet.

"H-Hi... You, uh, you look beautiful-" I managed. I wasn't lying either. She was a tall woman with a petite form and curly brown hair, wearing a simple blue dress that accentuated her features just right. I was glad I had changed into a dress shirt and pants beforehand.

We exchanged small talk for several minutes as we walked to the table I had reserved for us and sat down, waiting on our food.

She was so pleasant to talk to, and I was managing to keep up the confidence in my voice fairly well, even if I was melting inside. This is what I had practiced for, after all.

It was when our food arrived, a small fish fillet for her, and spicy sushi for me, when I noticed the flash of a golden tail in my peripheral view. Laina looked over her own shoulder as she saw me staring into space. I quickly brought my eyes back over to hers and away from the kitsune floating on her back through the air as if it was a swimming pool.

Laina gave me a confused look as she checked over her shoulder one more time. I had no idea what kind of face I had been making when I realized she had shown up. "It's nothing, don't worry... just thought I saw someone I knew- from work." I improvised, doing my best to show a reassuring smile.

The fox was back in her golden kimono, the one that barely managed to keep her tits from spilling out of it. You'd think an immortal being could fashion better fitting clothes. She slowly glided down to the floor behind Laina, who was completely oblivious to what was going on, even as the goddess caressed her cheek with a soft hand. "She's quite cute, boy- Although she's definitely lacking right here-"

As she spoke, she dropped her hand from her face, waving it in front of Laina's chest, and suddenly I could see right through her dress and bra, her small breasts on full display.

My eyes went wide, but luckily she had been looking down at her plate. I quickly glanced around the room, confirming my suspicions. No one here could see the fox or her tricks but me. I wanted to shout at her, tell her off not only for this morning, but for violating this sweet girl's privacy just to get at me. But I new if I tried to say anything, I'd look like a crazy person. At the very least, I managed a quick glare at her before returning to my meal.

"Mmm.. this is absolutely delicious!" Laina said, smiling, completely unaware of what was happening. "This was a great recommendation, I'm glad you chose this place."

I did my best to return her enthusiasm, but right now I wished I had chosen to stay home. I took a deep breath, taking a small sip of water as I did my best not to look at the giantess currently examining my date right in front of me. I could handle this, I told myself, hoping I was right.

"Ye- yeah.. I've been going here ever since I-I was a kid.." I bit my lip before taking a bite of sushi. I was stuttering like a damn fool again.

But before I could even manage to swallow, I started choking. The goddess had rematerialized behind me, her body pressed up behind me, her breasts pressing against the back of my head as she reached around, and, through my pants, began to fondle my cock. I pounded on my chest as I struggled to breath, before spitting out a half chewed lump of rice and fish, my face heated bright red from the embarrassment and lack of oxygen.

"I'm uh, sorry, I'm going to head to the bathroom real quick-" I explained as best I could as I quickly stood up, before realizing that because of that damned fox's efforts, my pants were now fully tented, my cock standing straight up at attention. I didn't know what would be worse, to try to walk away like this, or adjust myself right in front of her, so I ended up doing nothing, completely frozen, staring in horror as I watched her eyes drop, a small blush appearing on her cheeks as she turned her gaze.

Oh please. If there is any other deity but this one, please strike me down right now

I was holding back tears as I closed the bathroom door behind me, grateful that it was clean and empty. I hastily shoved my semi-hard cock down my pant leg, the embarrassment of the situation causing it to calm down, at least a little.

I looked up at the mirror, gripping the sides of the sink so hard my knuckles were turning white. "Please... please don't ruin this for me.." I said aloud, my voice shaking as I started to wash my face with water. "I just.. I just want her to like me-" The door creaked open, and for some reason I found myself panicking, a bit embarrassed that this stranger might have heard me talking to myself like that in such a pathetic voice.

Before whoever it was came in, I backed up into the stall behind me, pressing the door shut before locking the door. I sighed, pressing down the lid of the toilet seat before sitting down, burying my head in my hands.

I took a deep breath, finally managing to calm down as I wiped the tears from the corners of my eyes.

"Sorry dear, I'm just trying to have some fun~" Her voice didn't even surprise me at this point. I looked up to find her standing in the stall with me, her tails fanned out, pressing against the dividers around her as she struggled to fit inside the small area.

I felt her hand stroke my head as she dropped to her knees in the stall, so tall that she was nearly eye to eye with me even as I sat on the toilet lid. "Come on, boy.. don't give me that look.. you're so much cuter when you're just all flustered like before." I bit my lip as I met her gaze, seeing what appeared to be genuine concern in her eyes. I felt my anger start to melt away, just a little. I doubt she understood how I felt about this, how any mortal being could feel like this. She was just trying to enjoy herself.

"Don't..." I squeezed my hands into fists, my body trembling. "You can do anything you want with me, just don't do that to her, okay? She didn't deserve that.. To have her privacy violated like that.." I whispered, trying to get the image of her chest out of my head.

"Alright, cutie.. I won't."


"You have my word." She gave me a small, apologetic smile, as if she had realized she had gone over the line. It was the human thing I had ever seen her do before. I took a deep breath, leaning back as I looked up at the tiling above. Well, I should probably head back now, she's going to get worr- "Hey!" I shouted, before slamming my hand over my mouth as my voice echoed. I hadn't realized before, but the bathroom was now completely full, casual conversation starting back up moments after.

But I didn't have time to feel relieved. "What are you doing?" I whispered as aggressively as I could. My pants and underwear were now around my ankles, my ass cold against the porcelain of the toilet lid, my soft cock now exposed to the goddess kneeling in front of me.

"Just an apology~" She said, her eyes flashing up at mine before locking on my cock, her usual smirk returning to her lips. She moaned softly as she took it all into her mouth, suckling on my balls as my cock quickly grew to full length right into her throat. She kept the whole thing inside for a few moments before pulling back, bobbing her head slowly. "They'll hear you!" I whispered, trying to ignore the wet sucking between my legs. She pulled back, taking a deep breath as her hand gently rubbed my shaft.

"Oh, no dearie.. they won't hear me.. only you. Better control yourself if you don't want to be found out!" She waved her hand in front of the stall door just like she had to Laina's dress, allowing me to see through it. I knew from the sound that there were quite a few people in here, but being able to see three men at the sinks, their faces in the mirrors was practically giving me a heart attack. I knew they couldn't see me, but seeing them look so casual with a fox deity on her knees giving a loud, sloppy blowjob only a few feet behind them... I hated to admit it, but it was exhilarating. I felt my cock twitch on her tongue as she coated it in saliva, and I quickly pressed my hand to my mouth to stifle a moan.

I couldn't look down, my terrified eyes locked on the face of the man closest to the stall who had so obviously heard me. I about had a heart attack as I felt his eyes pass over me, then down to the goddess between my legs. I had to remind myself that he couldn't see through the door. He wasn't looking at her, just the gap at the bottom of the stall, where all he could see were my feet.

She was moving faster now, sucking hard on my length as her head bobbed up and down, slurping loudly, saliva drooling down her lips as if she was taunting me, her golden eyes sparkling with delight. I kept my hand pressed over my mouth, but it was becoming harder and harder to hold myself back. I could feel myself getting close to cumming, and I knew I wouldn't be able to be quiet then. I had to do something.

"Please.. stop!" I whispered, knowing I had no chance of fighting her off like this, especially quietly. "I'll let you do whatever you like when I get home.. just let me get back out there. Laina's probably worried!" She stopped bobbing her head, my cock now positioned inside her cheek as she gently sucked on it, pondering. And then, she was gone. I couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief, even if I felt none at all. I quickly did my best to stuff my raging boner into my pants befo-

"OW!" I forgot the door was still real, even if I couldn't see it. I had just slammed face first into it. My face flushed a bright red, I quickly unlocked it, keeping my head down as I found an unoccupied sink and quickly washed my hands before rushing out into the restaurant.

But my fears had been realized. She wasn't there. My heart fell.

I did my best to make up a story about how the sushi had made me sick, and apologized over text, but no reply yet. I bit my lip, trying not to think about it as I opened the door to my bedroom. And of course, there she was. The goddess was sprawled out on my bed, fully naked. She shook her ass at me as she looked over her shoulder. I didn't complain, knowing I'd promised to let her do what she liked. I sighed, stripping out of my formal clothes before joining her, her massive form making it a rather tight fit.

I couldn't help but feel myself growing horny with her laying next to me. There wasn't much I could do with a beautiful woman naked in bed with me, on top of being edged and denied twice already today. I turned on my side to find her ass facing me, plump and perfectly round, but my eyes went up to her tailbone, from which her nine luxuriously fluffy tails protruded.

Well, if I was this horny anyway, I might as well get off without giving her any pleasure in return. "Stay facing that way, will you?" I asked, running my hands through one of her tails, resting my head on it instead of the pillow. It was truly the comfort of a goddess, so soft and light, yet firm and full, it was an unreal feeling. But I wasn't trying to sleep on it, at least not yet. I shuffled myself closer, grabbing another tail as I pressed its golden fluff against the underside of my cock, the long fur almost enveloping the entire shaft.

"Mmm.. fuck.. that's better than I thought." I murmured as I started to rub it against myself, quickly starting to hump against it as precum began to spill, matting her tail with my scent.

"Really?" I couldn't help but grin. I could hear that she was uspet, even just a little. "You don't think that being in bed with a woman, only to fuck her tail is a bit pathetic?" She was absolutely miffed.

"You going to let me fuck your pussy, then?" I asked, not even bothering to stop rubbing myself against the golden fur.

"Hmph." She didn't bother to turn, at least for once letting me actually cum today. I twirled her tail around my length, coiling it in her fur as I fucked it harder and faster, feeling the heat of the friction as I came close to cumming, the fur rubbing against my shaft just right.

Not having to hold myself back for once, I let out a full moan of pleasure as I came hard, soaking her tails in thick ropes of cum, not stopping until I was completely satisfied.

I finally pulled back, knowing I had won when she didn't bother making any snide remarks, allowing myself to lay back and rest on her soft tails, at least the ones I hadn't stained.

"Save your stupid stunts for tomorrow, will you? I'm exhausted." I said, cuddling up against a tail as I closed my eyes and drifted once more into sleep.
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