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The Dare story continues as the Onijwa, a young woman possessing the spirit of a wolf, finds herself without a Master. Caught between two worlds, will she find a home with her human neighbors, or can she join her mate's Pack hunting in the wild? Only time...and Fate...will tell. -Note: you should read "Dare Book I" before reading this sequel.
It was morning and I washed myself in the small tiled area that served as the bath for us. It had a deep sink mounted on the floor with a hose running from the faucet. A lip around the tiles kept water from spilling out. An old wooden rack held different things; brushes and soaps for the dogs, strong and made for removing fleas. Some mild ivory soap for me, which was tolerable to our noses at least, and unscented baby shampoo which was hardly unscented at all and a smell I actually enjoyed.

Mostly I washed myself with the smooth, round stones I found in the stream and the sandy mud along its banks. I'd wash myself with mud first and then rinse myself clean using a stone to slough off the dirty skin. I felt good and clean, and afterwards I smelled like the water, which was a pleasing smell and soon gave way to the scent that was just me.

Today I washed inside though. I peed down the drain and washed myself slowly, enjoying the water from the tap which was cold, but nothing like the chill of the spring melt which filled the stream. I liked the way cold water woke me up all over. I had a little hair under my arms, but none on my sex yet, and I'd never had hair on my legs or anything, not so it was noticeable. I was going to miss my Master very much.

I spent some time washing my hair, which was very long and thick and coarse. It reached to the middle of my back now as my Master had never cut it. My brothers watched me. Barley lay on our bed, Bush on the floor chewing a leather toy, and Bandy sitting very near me, occasionally sticking his nose close and taking a lick of my wet skin. I splashed him playfully; flicking water in his face and making him shake his head. I would give them a bath later, I thought, before dinner when the water was warm. The tank was outside and it caught the heat of the sun nicely during the long afternoons.

The door opened slowly, perking our sudden interest, and it was one of the boys, the younger one, Mike. This confused and angered the dogs, of course, since it should have been our Master. He was carrying a large bowl of food, however, and the smell was immediate to our noses. My brothers were barking and so the boy moved slowly, talking to them the way a human will, trying to sound like what he what he was, harmless. The dogs wouldn't really hurt him anyway. He was no threat to us, it was just that him and the other boy weren't supposed to be there.

Of course, he was carrying food so that changed my brothers' opinion of him, but only slightly. He set the bowl down on the floor and went back to the open door he'd come through Apparently he'd left the other bowl on the floor there, probably so he could open the door. He picked that one up as well and brought it into the room and set it down quickly as Bush was right there and ready to eat. Bandy and Barley were already digging into the other one and I didn't bother turning off the water as I hastened to get my fair share.

There was a lot of friendly growling; some small snapping of teeth, but this was how we ate. I shared with Bush, getting my face next to his and digging into the food eagerly. The boys had made it a little differently than we were used to, adding hot water to make the gravy rather than just cool water the way our Master did, and they'd sort of mixed two or three different kinds of dog food all together, as if they weren't sure which we were supposed to get. It didn't matter and it actually tasted very good. We ate like pigs.

Mike had moved back to the doorway, but he hadn't left us right away. I knew he was there, watching me eat dog food, naked and wet and still soapy in my hair probably. I hadn't rinsed myself very well at all, but if I'd taken time to do that I would have starved. Dogs are pretty selfish when it comes to food normally, although they can be surprisingly considerate at times as well. We'd been two days without anything though, so this wasn't one of those times.

"Do you want more?" the boy asked as I sat up on my knees, licking my lips while Bush licked the bowl clean so that it slid across the floor in little jerks.

I nodded eagerly, like what dog wouldn't? It was just about the silliest question I'd ever heard maybe and I smiled. Our Master had never fed us until we were full, not because he didn't want to, but just because it wasn't necessary. Some part of me understood that, but most of me wanted to eat as much as I could get my hands on. At least my brothers' tolerance for the boy was growing. Bringing us food was a good way to get acceptance and he only received soft growls when Mike reached for the empty bowls, promising me that he'd be right back.

While he was gone, I finished my bath. Getting the soap out of my hair was a hard thing to do as I couldn't really tell if I'd gotten it all or not. My Master usually watched me and even washed me on many occasions, which was another reason I didn't shampoo my hair so often. I liked it when he would grab me by the collar and pull me to the sink, telling me it was time for a bath. That was a thousand times better than making my own decision about such things and my Master had enjoyed it quite a lot too.

We ate again, this time with both of the boys watching us. Watching me, I should say. I knew people found me attractive, like my Master and Joe, like these two Indian boys. I'd been a dancer once. I remembered that and even dreamt of it sometimes, and men had always liked me. Females too, some of them, like the woman I'd worked for, but I couldn't remember her name and only vaguely could I recall her face.

We went out after our dinner, as all of our meals were known regardless of the time of day, and my brothers and I were feeling full and heavy after eating too much. I didn't know what the boys were doing and I didn't care. My brothers and I needed to be outside and it was a nice day, a beautiful day, and we ran, barking happily and playing tag through the high grass. I was still deeply saddened by the absence of our Master, we all were, and my heart ached with the knowledge that I'd never see him again. I'd wept for him briefly, for both of us, but this was better. The world was fresh and clean and beautiful, and being with my brothers was a celebration of the life the man had given me. It was the best way to honor him.

We ran through the woods where the brush was thin and emerged into a meadow which led to a gently rounded hill. The land was thick with soft grass, still damp near the cool earth, and it made for us a fine bed. We'd run several miles at least and very quickly. My brothers were faster than I perhaps, but not so much as they'd been in summers past and I was very quick and agile. We could have easily run further, but this was a good place and I lay down, grabbing at Barley and struggling to pull him to me by one of his back legs. He snapped at me in annoyance and I giggled, so he changed direction quickly, turning to press one heavy paw on my belly and pressing his great muzzle to my face, licking at me.

I opened my mouth and sought his long red tongue, playing my own against it and lifting my head to lick at his mouth while I pulled the huge dog closer. It was late spring and I was always eager to mate it seemed. My nipples were hard under the soft breeze that stole through the sunshine like a thin river, its current visible in the rippling grass and swaying trees beyond. It brought us news of the world and all was well.

Bush barked excitedly as he'd flushed a hare and gave it wild chase, Bandy joining him while I held Barley close to me, digging my fingers into his fur and growling my desire into his open mouth. He stood above my prone body and allowed me to pull his attention to my breasts. I became flushed and damp with sweat and he lapped at my flesh slowly, enjoying the flavor of my salty skin. The dog's rough tongue sent small shivers through me as it dragged across my nipples, urging them to swell even further. My heart fluttered like a wild bird caught in a cage and my tummy tightened as I arched my back, presenting my body eagerly to my brother's kisses.

Barley caught the smell of my arousal. The depths of my sex became moist then, preparing itself to receive his large cock. I smiled and offered the world a deep-throated growl when the dog found my pussy with his tongue, digging a wet furrow between my plump labia and scraping my clitoris to sudden life. I spread my legs wide for him, lifting my ass off the ground with every lazy lick. He didn't hurry himself. He was patient and gentle, working his tongue deeper for several minutes before lifting his head to look around and scent the air.

I moved then, getting on my hands and knees, lifting my butt high as I pressed myself back and rubbed myself lewdly against his body. I sought his attention even as I left my smell on his fur, marking Barley so that the others would know I'd chosen him that particular morning. He licked me again, quicker this time, digging at my pussy from behind and then at my ass, making me impatient as my sex felt unbearably empty. I yelped with frustration, wanting his cock inside me now. He was content to tease me though and he stepped back, standing motionless, and his ears twitched as they stood stiff in the wind.

I crawled on my hands and knees, turning and knocking my head into his ribs, barely able to nudge the animal's great weight, and he merely took a small side step, his tail wagging as he regarded me with calm, amber eyes. I bumped him again and lowered my face between his legs, smelling his musky cock and balls, and I licked at his sheathed penis, feeling it heavy and impossibly firm. I licked at the tip of it, forcing my tongue inside the softly furred opening to taste him there. It was rich and somewhat salty, a distinctive bitter flavor, and I worked my tongue over the hidden head of his penis. The odd shaped tip lay just inside and it wasn't very difficult to coax it out.

Bush and Bandy were back, having lost the hare finally, and they had scented me easily enough. Bush was ready to mount me and he came close quickly, sniffing at my sex and drawing a rumbling growl from Barley who turned immediately to face him. I dropped my ass to the ground, turning as well. I wanted to mate with Barley, not Bush, and so I was covering myself. When Bush growled at me, I bared my teeth and snapped at his front leg.

He retreated finally, looking over his shoulder at us as I raised myself once more and this time Barley was ready. He pushed himself up, wrapping his front paws around my waist and I grunted under the weight of him, sagging slightly as I'd expected him to be a little more helpful. He wanted to take me though, especially since he had competition now from Bush, and so he was going to hold me tight in case I changed my mind.

Barley stabbed at my sex with his cock, hard and sharp like a bone, and I gave a soft yelp of pain as he was missing the mark and it hurt. He found me though, finally, his cockhead slipping into my slit and then filling my humid hole. He gave a quick thrust and then another as his cock grew even larger for me now that it had someplace hot and wet to fuck.

There was some discomfort at first, like always, but it never lasted very long. I grew incredibly wet with both my own juices and Barley's precum which was flowing steadily now and perhaps his semen as well. Dogs loose their sperm quickly and continuously during mating. I stretched around him easily, my body long since used to the unusual size and shape of my canine lovers. Where once I'd have been sore for hours or even days after our union, now I could take all three of my brothers in a single afternoon and feel little more than happily worn out by the experience.

I liked being worn out a lot.

I was hot and panting, my arms locked stiff and straight to keep me upright as Barley slammed his cock inside me over and over, working hard to force the swollen knot inside my seemingly too small sex. It would go in eventually, the dog wouldn't give up; he'd only try harder until it eventually squeezed its way inside. That was both deliciously wonderfully and somewhat painful, but only for a few moments. It was better when they got it inside me quickly, before it was swollen too much and my pussy would be forced to stretch open around it.

Once inside, the thick muscle felt nothing but good for both of us. I'd cum repeatedly as the walls of my sex were pushed and pulled taut around it. It couldn't go deeper, nor would it come out of me, it was stuck in one place, locking us together. That was when Barley's balls, which were already leaking some sperm, would finally release their full load. He was right up against my cervix too, the tip of Barley's cock pressing into the bottom of my cunt like a thick, sharp finger tickling at my most sensitive places. It was a delightful sensation that stole all of my senses, forcing me to lose my strength and drop my face to the earth, gasping and weeping as another orgasm swept through me.

My pussy milked Barley's cock like a long, soft mouth, sucking at him and drawing out his semen to bathe my womb with pleasure. That was my reward, feeling myself suddenly full of dog cum seeping into every part of me. It had no place else to go, my cunt was so tight around the animal's knot that nothing could pass it. All of our juices were held inside me and that was the best feeling in the world. I'd never, ever get tired of that and I enjoyed the time it would take Barley's knot to shrink far enough that he could pull out of me with a heavy wash of juices. That was something I usually resisted and resented, and the emptiness I felt after was always lonely and frustrating.

After perhaps ten or fifteen minutes the knot did pull loose finally, and Barley gave my pussy a quick lick, but he was selfish and walked off to clean himself. That was alright though as Bush had been waiting eagerly, pacing around us and barking impatiently. He took me immediately, his cock finding my well stretched cunt easily and I kept my head down, nodding and gasping for air as he fucked me good. He liked to do it for a little while, perhaps half a minute or so of rapid thrusting, and then he'd get off for a few seconds, sniffing me quickly, looking around maybe, and then mounting me once again.

Bush was a real tease like that and Bandy could be the same way, but usually only when we were outside like we were this day. I didn't mind. Eventually Bush would lock me up with his knot and he'd have no choice but to finish inside me, adding his own cum to that of his brother's. I was going to take all three of them, I knew that, and it was what I wanted. We'd gone several days without sex and that was a long time for us.

Barley had left me with scratches, but none so bad as when I mated with the wolf. My brothers' claws were nothing like my mate's, but Barley had held me tight and now Bush was making me feel it. He was being greedy too, like Barley had been, and Bush forced me to take his weight as he thrust his cock in and out of me rapidly. The truth was that I liked it though, I really did, and I was growling my own potent desire to be locked up with him. The pain of my scratches, like the discomfort of being stretched to take the animal's bulb, was just part of being a bitch and I was very used to it.

Bush's knot forced its way inside me finally and he whined softly as he realized it, and then he was hunched over me hard, pressing his bony chin down on my shoulder, while his rear paws dug into the soft ground. He was pushing as hard as ever, like that ball of muscle might actually go someplace, and that drove me to an intense orgasm finally and then another just a few minutes later when Bush began to loose his sperm freely into my womb. I was fighting for air and closing my eyes tightly against the sun which seemed suddenly a million times brighter than it should have been. Sunlight flooded me, that's what Bush's cum felt like, warm sunshine to push aside the shadows of my sadness.

Bandy prowled around us impatiently, waiting for Bush to pull his cock free so he could have his turn. Barley had long since finished cleaning himself and he was gone somewhere, his barking carried upon the wind occasionally. I was just catching my breath, butt to butt with Bush and growling at him as my brother would occasionally tug me off balance, testing the bondage of his knot within my cunt. When it finally did come loose with downpour of our juices, Bandy was right there to put his puppy making sperm where it belonged. It had been a long wait for him, very nearly an hour probably since I'd first started flirting with Barley, and Bandy wasted no time. His cock drove into my sex hard, shoving me forward so that I practically fell on my face and I turned my head to glare at him for a second. He ignored me though, being more concerned with wrapping his powerful front legs around my waist tightly and fucking me hard. I was his bitch now and my brothers could be pretty selfish, like I said.

After Bandy fucked me I spent some time cleaning myself with my fingers and mouth. It was the only way I could really, since my funny girl-shaped body just wasn't any good for that sort of thing. A lot of times one of my brothers would clean me, but it was too nice a day and we were outside, and the hares and pheasants and ground hogs were out and about and begging to be chased. So they left me to lie there, my pussy feeling tender and stretched and filled to overflowing with our combined juices. I pressed my flat tummy briefly, wishing I could have their puppies, but if that were possible I wouldn't want my brothers' pups. I'd want my mate's offspring, a litter of wolf pups to form our pack. That would have pleased my Master a great deal, I thought, if I could have truly mated with Chance.

I was able to push three fingers into my sex easily and bring them out covered with the thin warm residue of our fucking. I would lick and suck my fingers clean, savoring the flavor and occasionally rubbing the wetness across my neck and breasts, enjoying the heady odor of dog semen and girl cum all mixed up. It was like perfume in a way, but I was just marking myself and I knew it would excite my brothers later. I was tired and a little sore, but still incredibly eager to mate with them all again. In the meantime I had to content myself with licking my pussy clean and waiting for them to come back.

There were perhaps better ways to spend a beautiful day; I just couldn't remember them. My only wish would have been to share it with my Master.
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