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The Dare story continues as the Onijwa, a young woman possessing the spirit of a wolf, finds herself without a Master. Caught between two worlds, will she find a home with her human neighbors, or can she join her mate's Pack hunting in the wild? Only time...and Fate...will tell. -Note: you should read "Dare Book I" before reading this sequel.
"Dare?" His voice was distant, like a dream, but coming closer and I smiled. "Dare!"

He whistled with a long warbling that made me giggle sleepily and Chance lifted his chin from my breast, his ears twitching at the sound. It was dark there, in our den beneath the pine boughs, and warm and dry despite the cool spring rains outside. I'd found my mate shortly after my morning bath and we'd played together before retiring for our afternoon nap.

I stretched as much as I was able and sighed before pressing my face against the wolf's neck, extending my tongue and licking at his coarse fur. I bit him gently, causing the wolf to jerk his head with annoyance and I pushed at him then. I needed to get up, it was getting on towards evening and I needed to bathe and eat. My Master was calling.

Chance resisted, finding no good reason to move, and I growled softly and then barked, pushing him again and he finally relented, crawling out of our nest on his belly so that I could follow him. I groaned slightly, pushing at the heavy branches and getting a small shower as the rain that had collected there fell onto my bare skin. I shivered and frowned, looking up as if I might blame the tree. Chance regarded me with his warm, golden eyes and if a wolf could be ever be said to smile, my mate was smiling at me. He was patient with my clumsiness however, and gentle, and as I emerged he stayed close, watching over me. My protector, my mate.

I stood up slowly, stretching once again and feeling my back slightly sore. I touched myself, my swollen belly as I felt the pup inside me restless now with all that motion. I was some seven months pregnant, maybe a little more or less, and grown large now. Chance imagined it was his offspring inside me and I wouldn't have told him otherwise even if I could. It wouldn't matter in any event, I was his mate and ripe with pregnancy and he understood that much at least. I hadn't been sure if he would at first and I was pleased to notice the small changes in his demeanor.

Chance had become much more attentive over the winter, staying close to the house. Too close, I thought, and I'd watched my brothers carefully to keep Chance safe from them. He brought me food, rabbits mostly and I'd eat only as much as I needed in order to satisfy him, then I'd let him have most of it. The winter had been very long and cold and my mate needed that food more than I did. We spent much time together, but only during the short days. I wasn't allowed to stay outside overnight anymore; my Master was equally protective of me.

"Dare? Where you at, girl?" I heard him, my Master's strong voice calling me.

He'd returned home from his work, patrolling the forests and mountains around and including the reservation. It was how he'd found me and saved me. My Master had an affinity for the land and that had made him welcome with the Native Americans, especially those who adhered most closely with tradition. Men like White Cloud and Red Crow, who was White Cloud's son and my Master's friend. It gave the man a great understanding of who I was and what I needed. When I recalled my despair of the previous summer and autumn especially, I felt ashamed and it seemed to me sometimes that Fate had been far more generous than my weak faith deserved.

I crouched to give Chance a soft murmur, a deep throated sigh of reluctance as I embraced him and said goodbye. He licked my face and pressed his nose between my breasts which were just beginning to grow firm with milk, a quick sniff and brush of his tongue and my lover was off, padding away slowly. There was a bounce to his step and he was beautiful like that, enough so I forgot what I was doing and just watched him disappear like a ghost into the shadows.

"Hey!" My Master's smiling voice found me a minute later and he was following a path most humans wouldn't have been able to see. But he wasn't like other people. My Master was very comfortable outside and I stood up slowly, smiling and looking down the gentle slope at his approach.

"It's chilly. Are you cold?" he asked a moment later and Master was touching my face, the way he liked to, and I turned my head to lick at his fingers.

I shook my head and glanced up at his green eyes, flecked with gold. His baby was kicking in my belly and I took my Master's hand in mine and put it there, lifting my eyebrows to ask if he could feel it and the man laughed and smiled. He was like Chance, the both of them so similar that I had a hard time telling them apart. That should seem impossible, I know, but it's true nonetheless, they were of a kindred spirit my Master and my mate and I was equally happy with both of them.

"He's pretty busy, huh?" The man stroked my stomach and looked around. "Where's Chance?"

I shrugged, looking over my shoulder in the direction the wolf had gone.

"Okay. Let's go home," Master nodded. "No running, Dare. Stay with me for a change. You have to start slowing down."

I barked sharply and laughed at that. I was slowed down and I felt like I was terribly fat, swollen all over with my pregnancy, and I still had a couple more months to go. It had been nice for a while, but now I was anxious to have my baby and be done with it. To see the child I'd been carrying inside me for so long. I was still in good shape though, strong and physically fit and not as large as a lot of human women would be at seven months, I was sure. The doctor told me I looked more like five months. He couldn't complain though, my baby and I were perfectly healthy and I hadn't even had any morning sickness, except for my cravings for wild turnips. I'd eaten too many of those once and had myself a good tummy-ache for two days afterward.

"Put this on. It's getting cold," Master said and he was draping his jacket over my shoulders, the shiny green one with the soft flannel lining.

I didn't need it. My body was much more tolerant to heat and cold than most people are. I couldn't say why, perhaps it was just that I was used to being outside and naked, or maybe I really was changed. Like my senses, how I could smell things that most humans wouldn't notice, or see and hear much better than I remembered as a girl. My new Master was aware of it, but it didn't change his mind about things like keeping me warm and dry in the rain. I had a baby now too, so I didn't argue and shrug his jacket off like I might have done otherwise. I wanted to walk with him and he held my hand, which was a very human thing and I liked it.

I paused at the edge of the wheat field close to our home and it was overgrown now with weeds. I needed to pee and the man waited patiently for me. He was wet now, we both were, but especially my Master as I was wearing his jacket and so I decided to run the last little bit, knowing he'd follow quickly and get inside that much sooner. I smiled at him over my shoulder in the twilight and barked loudly, telling my brothers I was coming and I could hear my Master shouting behind me, but I was going to be a bad dog and I giggled, holding my belly as I moved easily over the soft earth, following a trail three years old to my eyes.

I ran into the house, wild eyed and happy, hardly breathless but for my excitement as I dropped the jacket onto the hardwood floor, and very nearly leaped onto the bedding I shared with the other dogs. I was playing and very much like a child, smiling and pushing at Bandy as I forced myself between him and Barley, pressing my hands between his legs and he was so warm. They growled playfully, sniffing and licking at me and Bush was there as well, rising from his place on the floor and the rawhide toy he'd been chewing. He scented my legs and then upward to my sex, finding Chance there of course, and he shoved his large snout between my thighs with a deep throated growl.

"I'm going to start using a leash on you soon, girl." Our Master entered a few minutes later, wet and muddy and shaking himself off.

"Mmmm..." I gave him a soft whine from my throat and giggled as my brothers scrambled to greet him.

"Outrun by a pregnant woman..." he was trying to kick off his boots and fend off the dogs as they vied for his attention, " ... Anybody finds out about that and ... Hey ... Come on, guys! Down ... Down!"

I watched as my brothers wrestled with our Master, lifting their bodies so he could grab them by the throat, pushing and pulling at them and they loved that game. They were so large, all of the dogs, and strong, but so was the man, and it was great fun to watch them roughhouse. They'd nip at him and try to grab his hand, not biting hard at all of course, but just playing and trying to knock him down. Our Master laughed and he was breathing hard, teasing the dogs and grabbing at their flanks, or the loose fur above their tails, pulling at them so the dogs would turn their heads one way and then the other. But he was outnumbered and my brothers always took advantage of that, eventually wearing our Master down until he was forced to sit and wrestle and shove them away.

I might have tried to help him, but it was nice laying on those thick warm blankets, on my side and turned slightly so my chin rested on crossed arms, and my legs were askew, my sex exposed. I was biting my bottom lip and giving our Master 'The Look' as he called it, the one which told him I wanted him inside me. I'd had Chance all day, letting my mate have me twice, and now I wanted my Master the same way.

"Ahhhh ... shoot..." He was laughing as he sat down beside me, the dogs calming somewhat and content to sit around us.

I reached for him, pawing at his wet shirt and urging our Master to turn and come closer. We'd done this before and it was nice. I undressed him slowly, hardly moving my body at all as our Master sat close. He was cold, even after playing with his dogs, but so strong, so full of life that he didn't show it. He was a proud man that way and handsome, even a dog like me knew that. He had a strong face and a square jaw and his eyes were dark and pretty and green. He was a man of nature, of the sort who belonged outside and understood the world we live in, not just the things we put upon it.

I tossed his wet clothes aside and when he was naked I brought him to me and I was his woman then. I'd come to understand that I couldn't always be a dog, not for him. He was my Master now, but different than my old one. He had his own ideas and his own needs and he'd explained them to me carefully, looking for my agreement but not forcing me into anything. It was my choice and at times like this I was content to be his wife as well as his pet.

"You're cold," I whispered, pulling him to my swollen body and embracing him. "Let me warm you."

"Hmmm ... Dare..." He slipped his leg between mine, splitting my thighs so I'd put my foot behind him.

My round belly was against his stomach and he stroked my damp hair with one hand while his other found my left breast, petting my skin and playing his thumb over my pierced nipple, toying with the bone ring that lanced my turgid flesh. We just looked at each other, my hand moving across his broad shoulders and down his back, rubbing him briskly to bring his warm blood to the surface. I knew his cock would be hardening for me and I made a little face as I shifted slightly closer, feeling my own sex grown excited already.

"You should take me soon," I told him in a gentle, teasing voice, "before one of the others catches my scent."

"You'd make me wait?" he smiled and I nodded. "Bad girl."

I giggled and he moved then, pressing the tip of his tongue between his lips the way he did when concentrating on something. I could feel him rubbing the head of his penis against my pussy, sliding the smooth tip between my moist labia and looking for the entrance. I pushed with my hips, trying to help him and it was awkward, but then he found me and I gasped with the pleasure of his entry, my Master's cock sliding several inches into my eager body all at once.

"I love you, Dare," he whispered, kissing my lips softly and there was no doubt in his eyes, nothing but the truth of it.

"I love you, Master," I told him, because unlike Chance, he needed to hear such things and I did like to say them now.

"God. You're so beautiful," he sighed and he was making love to me as we lay side by side, slowly and gently the way only a man can.

Master touched my swollen belly where his child slept, caressing me there, and I put my hand over his. I touched his face with the other, using my fingertips to trace his cheeks and lips and chin. After a few minutes he moved to straddle me, while I remained on my side, he knelt above me and he was able to drive his cock fully inside me then with long slow strokes while I looked up at him. My Master lowered his mouth to kiss me and that was good for us as well. He was grunting softly and my pussy was hot and wet for him now, clasping at his prick and struggling to keep him inside me where he belonged.

Barley had noticed our lovemaking, of course, all of my brothers had, but he was the first to grow impatient as they all intended to take me once our Master was finished. Barley walked around us, pausing to lick at my skin or occasionally sniffing at our union, making me laugh and our Master groan, shooing the dog away as he'd lap at our Master's balls, but Barley paid that instruction little heed. My brother's cock was unsheathed, just the bright red tip, veined in blue and dripping precum as the aroma of our fucking grew stronger.

I reached for him, tugging at the dog and growling softly so that he would stand near my head. He was so large and strong, but I was insistent and pulling at his fur and coaxing him down. Our Master, my husband, watched as I finally had Barley on our pallet, his soft belly exposed and his cock had slipped back into his furry sheath. I worked him with my hand and then my tongue, stretching for the animal's penis and drawing it out as he felt the familiar sensation of my odd shaped mouth around him. I'd sucked him a hundred times before, more than that, and now I was content to do it again while our owner fucked me. That was a pleasure all its own and I found my mouth filling with hot dog cock as I tongued the sharp tip of Barley's penis.

Precum and weak semen flooded my mouth and I swallowed happily, losing some to spill down my flushed cheeks, but paying it no mind. I held the base of that large canine cock, feeling the beginnings of his knot beneath my fist and I slid my tightly stretched lips up and down the length of him, so much as I was able. Barley's penis was very large, long and even thicker than Joe's, but I was well practiced and I took half of him easily enough. I was more limited by our position than anything else. If I'd been on my hands and knees, with Barley standing upright, I could have taken the dog into my throat, which was something our new Master enjoyed watching every bit as much as our old Master had.

"There you go, girl ... Suck his cock nice ... You're so sexy like that..." Master spoke to me gently between ragged breaths cool air.

He was warmed all over now, flushed with his arousal and working his cock in and out of me quickly. Master would cum soon, I knew him well enough by that time and I could sense his onrushing orgasm. His hands held me tightly, giving me little tugs as he pulled himself deep into my pussy. Some part of Chance was still in there, I knew. I hadn't washed myself at all after mating with the wolf. I'd merely cleaned myself with my fingers, licking our juices from my hand while I waited for sleep to take me in our den. Now my husband was fucking me and he'd add his own sperm to that of my mate and that idea alone was enough to bring me to the edge of anxious orgasm. Feeling my Master cumming inside me finally pushed me over the edge.

"Ummmphhh ... Jesus..." he groaned, giving me several hard thrusts in time with his potent climax, shooting his semen into the depths of my cunt while I spasmed around him.

I held Barley in my mouth, making muffled sounds of pleasure as my body shuddered and I came hard upon that cock buried inside me. The dog turned his head, perhaps curious why I'd stopped moving and gave my flushed face a lick while I held his cock by the root. His swollen knot had grown large by then and slippery beneath my fingers with spit and Barley's juices. I shivered and my eyelids fluttered perhaps and I began moving my mouth once more, determined to bring the animal off in my mouth so I could feast on his rich semen.

Our Master kissed my shoulder and stroked my hair while his orgasm weakened and finally ended. He pulled out of my pussy slowly, leaving me to sit close by and watch as Bush took his place, my brother sniffing and then licking at my sex for a moment and then barking as he wanted me to lift myself for a proper mounting, but I ignored him. They knew how to take me when I was laying low like that and in his excitement Bush wasn't going to insist that I move for him. He stood over me, stabbing with his cock and making a mess of finding my sperm filled sex until I finally reached back to guide his penis inside me.

Barley was getting closer to finishing as I kept my mouth tight around him, holding his knot fast with my hand as if he were locked inside a cunt and I gave him as much of that sensation as I could. He was moving, wanting to push with his hips and fuck my face, but I kept him down, squeezing his cock with one hand and pressing down on his neck and shoulders with the other. I was growing tired and my neck was stiff, my back sore again as I was twisted somewhat uncomfortably, but I wanted him so badly.

Bush fucked me hard and fast, which helped take my mind off everything else. He was eager as always and working hard to get his knot lodged in the mouth of my sex. It was slipping in and out, but growing larger with every thrust until finally that muscular bulb was held fast, trapping his large cock deep inside my pussy. I moaned at that sweet sensation, and one that I never tired of. I could feel another orgasm rising in the depths of my belly as his knot grew even larger, expanding against the walls of my sex in every direction, and the dog was whining, pushing against me hard as if he might somehow get even deeper.

I came about the same time as Barley did, his cock ejaculating not so much like a man's, with hard jerks, but something both subtle and vigorous. My brother's cock just seemed to swell and contract in my mouth, the whole thing pulsing with a life of it's own as his semen poured out the tip in what seemed a long continuous stream. It wasn't so thick, but rich and slightly bitter and I swallowed hungrily, taking as much into my stomach as I could. I was feeding on him, drinking his seed and spilling quite a lot of it as dogs always seem to have so much when they loose their orgasm.

Bush was cumming then also, growling and dropping his head and his whole body was stiff with the instinctive pleasure of filling his bitch with puppy making sperm. He was shooting a lot as well and I could feel it distinctly as his cockhead was right up against the bottom of my cunt, close to my cervix. I felt it as a warm pressure at first, easing slowly as the juices were spread through me, bathing my womb and my brother's cock as he would be locked inside me for a dozen minutes or more by his swollen knot.

I sighed breathlessly as I let Barley's cock go and the dog turned to lick my face and I opened my spermy mouth so he could kiss me there. The animal's long pink tongue dipped into my mouth and I teased it with my own. I always enjoyed kissing my brothers and I played with him, sucking at his long red tongue and pinching it with my lips. He'd pull it back in annoyance and then come back for more. They liked kissing me, despite my games, and our Master would chuckle and shake his head, and I guess he hadn't seen too many other girls kissing dogs in quite that way. Barley cleaned my nicely, gathering his orgasm from my skin and the bedding around me and I was wet and flushed and giggling happily, still locked up with Bush, and watching Master watch me.

This was all I'd ever wanted, all of it, the whole day. Mornings with my mate, evenings with my Master, being shared with my brothers and loved and now pregnant. I had a husband who understood and accepted me, a man who'd saved my life once, and then again when he'd returned to find me. I had a Master again and I lay there on that rough warm bed, feeling his hand on my tummy, and I closed my eyes and listened to the rain as it fell. I pressed my hand to his, sharing our baby for a moment and then went lower, feeling the ring in my taut flesh and the wetness running from my sex. I was content, remembering another rainy night and another girl, and I smiled at the lifetime between us.
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