Where I’ve gone wrong

Where I’ve gone wrong

Been trying to get this fantasy off the ground for too long to remember. I’ve failed miserably along the way by being too dependent on the fantasy which has put her off in the past. She’s aware of how wrapped up into it I’ve become but I’ve had to learn to cool it down if I’m seeing she’s not in the mood to tease. I’ve tried to set things up in the past without her knowing which either fell apart or she found out about and wasn’t having it. But the worst of it was when I posted pictures she took for me without her permission and posted them on here to see the comments....not a smart idea considering how incredibly stupid I am and how really good at finding my misdeeds She’s become over the years.
So far I’ve learned from my mistakes and plan to keep my marriage together so all of the above won’t be repeated!
Published by bakerjeff81
3 years ago
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