For as long as I can remember, I've always been turned on by leather gear and bondage. I've also always been a naturally submissive guy, and love being controlled by a hot dominant leather man. Unfortunately, that RARELY happens and it's even rarer that it happens with the same guy more than once. Unfortunately I just haven't found that perfect combination in a guy that I want; I'm either not physically attracted to them or they are into the lifestyle, which I am not. Or even less appealing, they're into the whole the BDSM Master/slave scene, which I definitely know I am not interested in. Furthermore, the ratio of subs to Dom’s in the world is extremely lop-sided; nearly 99% of the guys that pique my interested are "sub only."

It gets kinda depressing. I usually find myself online reading stories, watching videos or chatting with Dom’s half way around the world. After a while of that, the need for real physical play becomes overwhelming. My fetishes are strong enough that they can drive me to the point of hooking up and dominating a sub once in a while. Now, I use the word "dominating" very loosely here, because I don't ever really dominate, more or less it's just me tying the other guy up, teasing them and then finally sucking them off. However, even then, the sub has to be fairly special; good looking, in good shape, have great gear, etc. Thank God at least, there seems to be a never ending pool of subs to pick from, so when that urge hits, I can always find some kind of play.

However, there is one sub that is pretty hot to play with, not because he's a hot sub, but because he's got a great playroom and a lot of equipment and leather gear. Don't get me wrong, he is in decent shape and a decent looking guy, but he's a bit older and, again, a sub, one that doesn't like to switch at all. However, he has sectioned off part of his basement as a dungeon - literally, he built a room, that he says is sound proof. And over the years has built up quite a collection of dungeon equipment, including a fuck bench, bondage table, a bondage bed and a couple of very nice cages. His gear collection is even better. He has everything you can think of, restraints, many types of hoods, sleep sack, straight jacket, bondage suit, even a leather police uniform. So as someone who loves leather gear, his playroom is awesome and I love being able to go over, especially since we're both the same size and build.

His name is David and we've played off and on for a couple of years. We first met online. They only reason I began chatting with him was because he lives nearby. I quickly learned that we have a lot in common kink-wise: we both have a huge leather fetish (almost controlled by it), we both love bondage, we both really get off on being controlled, and we even have the exact same turn-offs. The only real downside was that he was into the lifestyle. So much so, that he was always on the lookout for a Master to live with and keep him leathered up and enslaved as much as possible. He knew I wasn't into it, but occasionally would allude to it while playing; saying how hot it would be if I lived with him and kept him tied up. I would just brush it off, finish up our session and leave.

At first it didn't seem to bother him at all, but after a while I could sense sadness and as we continued to play, that sadness developed into desperation. He would call me more often to come over and play, but I'd continuously turn him down, making up some lame excuse. Then the urge to play would hit me, so I'd end up going over from time to time. Whenever I did though he would bring up wanting to have a full-time Master living with him at his place and make sure to mention that his Master wouldn't need to work. -- Apparently, David had a great job and was "well off" as they say. By the looks of his house, dungeon and equipment it would be easy to come to that conclusion. -- It was getting annoying and I probably should've stopped playing altogether, but my dick kept dragging me back over there, because of his leather. However, a few months ago, he got really bad about it; instead of mentioning a Master in general, he started asking me why I couldn't move in and be his Master, and was very persistent about it, almost begging, saying how much he loved playing with me and loved being dominated by me. I honestly didn't understand what his infatuation was with me, I don't consider myself to be a very good Dom. After I repeatedly told him I couldn't, he was practically crying. That was when I decided I shouldn't play with him anymore, or at least wait a while for him to calm down. Well it wasn't long after then, that he started stalking me. First the constant texting, then seeing him around town more often than, could be considered coincidence. It was real creepy and a freaky nightmare. I finally confronted him about it and told him if it didn't stop I was getting a restraining order. A few more texts followed by more threats, it all finally stopped.
A few weeks went by and all was quiet. I did notice him checking out my profile online from time to time, but at least he wasn't directly bothering me anymore. That is until I received a new text from him (I wished he would've deleted my number),
David: Michael, I'm sorry for the way I've acted and just want to apologize to you. I enjoyed the time we spent together and hope eventually you will be able to forgive me.
I wasn't really sure how I felt about it and whether or not I should respond. It had been a while and I've pretty much forgotten and have become indifferent to the situation. So after thinking about a moment, I decided to respond,
Michael: It's okay David. I've moved on and do except your apology.
David: Thank You. I've thought long and hard about how I overreacted and am embarrassed by it. Normally I would run and hide in an attempt to avoid facing it, but you were nothing but nice to me and I would like the opportunity to make it up to you. Hope there's still a chance that we could someday be friends again?
Michael: I appreciate that. There's always a possibility of being friends again, but I need time to think about it.
David: Thank You! Take all the time you need!
He did seem sincere, but who really knows? Over the next week I thought about it off and on - well, mostly my dick thought of his leather gear. It had been a while since I played, so I was in a horned up state most of the time when I didn't have anything else on my mind. After one evening of going out drinking with friends and being very horny, I drunk-text him,
Michael: we should play again
I passed out while waiting for his response. The next morning…
David: Really?
David: Are you ok?
'Crap!' I thought the perils of the alcohol.
Michael: Yes, I'm fine and I apologize for that text last night. I was a little drunk.
David: It's okay. You got me a little excited though until I realized how sloppy the text was and didn't hear back from you.
Michael: I ended up passing out not too long after sending it.
David: I figured as much.
Michael: Truth is though I have been thinking about you.

David: Really?
Michael: Yeah. In all honesty, though, I haven't played in a while, so I do think of you, your dungeon and especially your leather, quite often.
David: Ah, I see. Hmmm…
Now I'm starting to feel bad. I hope he's not getting the impression that I'm not interested in him, but only his gear.
David: Well, would you like to come over and play sometime?
My dick gets instantly hard thinking of what all that might entail, but I calm myself down.
Michael: I'm not sure I am completely comfortable jumping right in again? But if you'd like, we could hang out and talk more.
David: That would be great!!! I'm actually headed out of town for a few days. Maybe when I get back?
Michael: Yeah, that would be fine.
David: Great!
The following week went by without anything interesting happening - just a normal week. David and I text a few times and set up a time to meet at his place Wednesday; we both agreed around 7pm would be a good as it would give us a little time to relax after work. Wednesday arrived fairly quickly and I was feeling a little apprehensive not knowing how things will go. I got home and took a nice long hot shower which made me feel a little comfortable. David only lived about a half mile away, so I decided to walk over, since it was a nice night and I had a little time to kill yet. On my way there my mind was in conflict over whether I should agree to play, if he brought it up. My cock said, "Yes", of course, but my head was still struggling with not wanting to lead him on fearing he might revert back to that psycho-stalker. By the time I got to his place, I decided that we wouldn't play and save it for another day.
David greeted me at his door with a huge smile on his face -- "Hello!" He reached for me and pulled me in giving me a big hug.
"Hi." I almost mumble.
"I'm so glad you decided to come over. Come in!" We head into his living room and I take a seat on the couch. "Michael, I just want to say how sorry I am for everything that has happened."
"Well, yeah it got a little creepy there for a while, but I'm over it." I assure him.
He gets us a couple of beers and we chat for a while talking about this and that and have a good normal conversation which helps me get my mind in the right mood. After a few beers, though I start feeling a little tipsy and my mind starts drifting, thinking about his playroom and leather. I argue with myself before I decide I should just go.
"These beers are getting to me I think I should get going." I start to get up from the couch.
With a disappointed sound in his voice, are you sure you can't stay a little longer? I didn't say anything wrong did I?
"No it's not you. Like I said the alcohol is getting to me and my mind is starting to head off in the wrong direction."
Confused, he says, "What do you mean?"
"Just being here makes me think of the gear - I can smell the leather. All I think of is getting leathered up."

"Oh, I thought you said you didn't want to?"
Embarrassed now, "Yeah, I know. Just forget it. I should get going."
He stops me, "No. No. No. It's okay. What were you thinking?"
All of a sudden I turn into a bashful 6 year old girl. I can't even look him in the eyes when I say, "Well... I... I was wondering if... I could try on your... bondage suit?"
Rather surprised, he says, "Oh."
I stammer again, "We... we... don't have to play. I've just always wanted to try it on... and... and see how it feels."
"Hmmm...", staring at me for a moment, "Yeah sure. I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be able to."
My heart skips a beat, "Really?"
"Sure. Ummm... wait here and I'll go get it. Maybe you should get undressed while I'm gone?"
"Yeah, Ok." I start undressing as he leaves the room and goes down into his basement. I finish before he returns. Standing there naked starts to feel a bit awkward and I start to doubt if this was a good idea or not. Just then he comes back into the room holding his suit and hands it to me along with the key to unlock all the padlocks.
"Why don't you get all the locks and straps undone, and I'll be in a few moments... Would you like another beer?"
I've already started messing with the suit. I look up ay him, "Sure, thanks!"
He leaves the room again and I busy myself with all the locks and straps. And there is a lot of them; four straps on each limb, three on the torso and one at the neck. And there's three zippers; entry zipper that runs down the back side and two zippers on each side of the cod piece. After getting it all apart, I start to put it on. Sitting on the couch I slide my left leg in until my foot is pushed all the way into the attached bootie and I do the same for my right leg. I then stand up and pull the suit up to my hip - it already feels fucking great, my dick is rock hard and going to be a problem trying to get it through the hole at the crotch. Once through I begin to it the rest of the way up my chest.
Dave walks back into the room, "Here let me help with the rest." He grabs it and holds it open in front of me. I slide my arms into the sleeves as far as I can. He walks behind me, wraps the suit over my shoulders and pulls on it until my hands find their way into the attached mitts. I immediately feel him zip up the rear zipper and buckle the collar.
"How does it feel?" He asks.
"Wow! This is fucking fantastic, very stung!" I must've been grinning from ear to ear at this point.
Wait until I get all these straps buckled up, which he proceeds to do and lock them at the same time. He zips and locks up the cod piece last. The feeling of my cock being covered by the hard cod piece is awesome, almost as if someone is constantly groping me.
There all done... well almost. He turns and grabs something else, but I'm not paying much attention as I walk around a bit trying to get feeling for it and am amazed how restrictive it is.
"I didn't think it would be this restrictive!?"
Yeah it is great, isn't it? I do love this suit... here... I turn to see him holding open the hood that goes with it and slides it over my head. He gets it laced, zipped and locked in no time. It normally has three attachments/straps; one the runs around the head over the eyes and has a blindfold attached, another that runs over the mouth and has several different gags that can be used, and one that runs under the chin and around the top of the head to hold the jaw shut. None of the straps are on now, however there are only a dozen or so pin holes over each eye, so visibility is limited.
"This is so fucking hot!" I say as I run my mitted hands all over my body.
He agrees, "Especially knowing that you're trapped in it until someone lets you out."
Exactly! I say.
He sits back down in his chair and watches me. I get a glimpse of him adjusting his package every once in a while, so he's obviously enjoying the sight before him. "So how long do you think you want to stay in it?"
I sit down on the couch, I don't know for a little while. At least until I start getting too hot."
"Okay. You want to watch a movie or something then?"
"Sure!" he puts a movie on... I'm not really interested or paying attention, I am so fucking horny I can't stand it. I find myself continuously pawing at the cod piece.
At some point he yells at me, "Would you stop that!? It's so distracting."
"I can't help it, I'm so damned horny!"
He stares at me for a few moments while rubbing his own crotch. He then spreads his legs and points to the floor in front of him, "Get over here and sit."
I move to where he wanted me.
Put your arms behind your back, so I did and he locks the wrist restraints together.
I just moan and sit there. Throughout the rest of the movie he would run his hands over my head and rub his feet along my legs.
The movie finally ends... He leans forward and wraps his arms around me and reaches down and gives, the cod piece a couple of taps, "So how do you feel?"
I'm fine. It's starting to get a little warm. And horny as fuck!
"I bet you are. But you can stay locked up for a little longer then?" he asks.
"Yeah, I should be okay."
"Good." He scoots back into the chair. "Turn around and face me on your knees."
I struggle to get up having sat so long in one position, but I manage. When I turn to see him, he's got his cock out of his pants and is stroking it. "I bet you wish you could play with your own cock right now?"
"Hell yeah I do!"
He grabs the d-ring on the front of the collar and pulls me closer to him, then grabs my head and pushes it down on his cock. "I don't see why I should be jerking myself off when I have a bound up cock slave at my disposal."

I just moan - I always did like his dick, was always clean and decent sized.
He held my head with both hands while he pumped his hips up and down, fucking my face. It doesn't take long before he blows his load down my throat.
"Ahh, Fuck that felt good. Held that the entire movie." He laughs. He pushes me back down on the floor and using his foot, starts tapping on the cod piece... "Hmmm..." tap. tap. tap. "I suppose we should take care of this now, eh?" tap. tap. tap.
Oh, God yes. Please. I beg.
"Hmmm..." tap. tap. tap. . Then it stops. "I got a really good idea!"
He gets up, puts his dick back in his pants. "Follow me." He orders. I get myself up off the floor and follow him down to his playroom. He backs me against his bondage wall and begins strapping me to it. By the time he's finished all I can move is my head. He then unlocks the cod piece and begins fondling my cock.
I moan loudly, my dick is so sensitive, the slightest touch feels like heaven. "Oh God, please! I need to cum." He slowly strokes me to the edge and then stops. "No. Please. Please. Don't stop. I was so close." I'm damn near crying at this point.
He walks away and returns with something in his hand. He begins playing with my dick again as he raises his hand to show me his stainless steel chastity device. I immediately start shaking my head, "No. No way. I need to get off now." And try to thrash about - it is futile, the wall is much to strong.
"Hold on. Hold on. Clam down. Listen to what I have to say first." My heart's racing but I manage to calm myself down. "Here's the deal. You can get off now and this will be the only time you get to wear the suit... or... I lock your cock up now and you come back Friday and we can play again, from where we left off this evening - you back in the suit.
I nod my head up and down, "I want to get off now. I need to get off right now."
"Wait!" He grabs my head to hold it still. "You will give me your answer in 15 minutes, no less. I will give you some time to think it over." He then quickly straps and locks the blindfold on me as well as the gag, then finally the jaw strap. "I'll be back in 15 minutes."
When you're strapped to a wall, locked in sensory deprivation hood and horny as hell, 15 minutes feels like an eternity. But I eventually hear him return, "Ah. I see you made your decision. Great!"
Somewhat confused, I grunt, "Huh?" Then I feel him applying something around the base of my cock. I start to shake my head.
"What?" He says. "I see your dick went limp, it decided for you, it’s ready for the chastity cage." He continues caging my poor dick. I continue to thrash about and shake my head when I feel the cage slide over my shaft and then feel the lock click.
I hang my head in defeat. There's not much I can do in my current predicament. He unstraps me from the wall and helps me out of the bondage suit. He hands me my clothes, "Put your clothes back on."

He leaves the hood locked on me. I grunt and point at it.
"That's not coming off yet. Just put your clothes back on."
It's not easy putting your clothes back on when can't see anything, but I finally manage to get myself dressed. He then leads me out of the playroom and back upstairs where he proceeds to finally take the hood off.
So how was that? There A big smile on his face.
"The suit was awesome, but I don't really care for the chastity."
"Well, I figured you might like being 'forced', since you're sooo into being a sub."
"I do, but I can't wear this around, you have to take it off."
Just then his demeanor changes, and now he had a somewhat worried look on his face. "Uh, I can't"
"What do you mean you can't? Of course you can." I'm starting to get upset.
This is not looking good, now he's getting fairly nervous. "No, I can't. I, uh, locked the key in my safe with the timer lock."
You what? Now I'm getting angry. "Well, when is the timer set for?"
He looks down at the ground, "Ummm, Friday at midnight."
What? Now I'm furious. At midnight, what were you thinking?
He backs away from me, "I'm sorry... I didn't realize..."
"What the hell am I gonna do? I can't go to work with this bulging out of my pants!"
"I'm sorry I thought you would like it."
"Fuck! There's no way you can take this off at this moment?"
Very meekly he says, "I'm sorry. I can't."
God dammit!!! I scream. "You know what. This is the last time we ever play or hang out again." I head for the door and leave. Again I hear "I'm so sorry" from him as I storm away. I was furious. That walk home seemed short - I couldn't even remember it.
It really didn't take long to get to sleep that night maybe I was exhausted from being so hot in that suit or from being so damned angry? I don't know but I slept well. I woke up, however, in pain. My dick was trying to get hard inside the chastity device and it hurt like hell. I was horny again and all I could think of was that damned suit and how it felt being trapped in it.

I tried on several different pair of pants before I found one that might do the best job of hiding this stupid chastity cage. I was so nervous going into work and extremely self-conscious of it the entire day. But no one said anything and I didn't notice any kind stares or looks. So I felt a little bit better at the end of the day.
I got home that evening and started thinking of that damned suit again and started feeling bad for yelling at Dave. Maybe it was my horny state of being, but I started questioning myself if maybe I over-reacted a bit? I decided to text him and apologize for the way I acted.
Text: Sorry for the way I acted last night.
No response. I hoped he wasn't pissed at me? An hour or so later I got a response,
Dave: Don't worry about it. I understand. I'm not at all upset.
Text: Good. Just didn't know how to deal with it. I've never worn a chastity device long term before.
Dave: It's all good. Only one more day and I'll have the key to let you out.
He seemed to be a little indifferent to everything. I wonder if I did upset him!
Text: Cool. I just can't wait.
No response... I wait a few minutes. My damn cock is straining against the confines of the chastity device and hurts like hell.
Text: Just wanted say it was great to try the suit... and it's all I can think about. Was VERY hot!
There is still no response. Damn! I must've really upset him? It was a really rough night trying to sleep. I was way too horny and in too much pain. The next day at work wasn't much better. I had a real hard time concentrating. It was going to be rough waiting until midnight.
Dave sent me a text message at noon,
Dave: How are you doing?
I of course immediately responded...
Text: Awful. I'm so horny and I can't concentrate.
Dave: I'm sorry. Not that much longer. I'll swing by your place after midnight to unlock the chastity device.
I was so horny, I couldn't help myself...
Text: Well...
Text: You think I can come by your place earlier?
A few moments passed.
Dave: Why?

Text: I thought maybe we could talk.
Dave: About what?
Text: What happened the other night?
Dave: Like I said, it’s cool. I understand, I overstepped my bounds - made too many assumptions.
Text: Well I think I may have overreacted a bit.
Dave: Hey, I've got to go. I'll chat with you later.
Text: Oh. Okay.
Damn! Now I wonder if I really piss him off or turned him off completely from playing anymore. I'll have to try again when I get home. Of course the day doesn't pick up at all - the end seems like an eternity. But it does finally come and head home. I'm so freaky horny and my dick is aching.
Text: Hey Dave. Just got home! Let me know what's up?
Dave: Well I suppose we're still on for midnight. I'll come by your place.
Text: Oh. You don't want me to come by earlier?
Dave: I don't see the point in it the key won't be available until midnight anyway.
Text: Well was hoping we could just go ahead and do whatever you had planned the other night?
Dave: Hmmm... I don't know... I don't think that's going to work out now.
Text: Please! I'm so horny right now I'll do anything you want!
He doesn't respond back right away. It's killing me after a few moments.
Dave: No, it'll be better if I just came over your place at midnight and we talked there, which we definitely need to do.
Text: Please...
Dave: I have to go. I'll see you at midnight.
Text: Please, Sir.
Several minutes pass without a response.
"Dammit! Why'd have to flip out like I did?" I'm freaky so upset with myself now. I may have blown my chance to play with him again. I decide to shower to calm myself down and then make myself something to eat and watch TV until he shows up.

Midnight rolls around faster than I thought it would, but now that it's a little passed midnight, it has slowed to a crawl as I desperately check the time every 30 seconds and wonder where he's at. I jump when I hear a knock at the door and run to answer it as fast as I can. I feel a dull ache ache in my groin as my dick throbs in its confines when I open the door and see him standing there. I immediately hug him and pull him in.
My my, aren't we a little excited? He says laughing.
Oh god yeah. I am so happy to see you.
He hugs me back, "I bet you are."
I invite him in and to have a seat. He does and when I go to sit down on the chair opposite him, he says, No, on your knees here. He points at the floor in front of him. He grabs my head and pulls me forward. Put your arms behind your back. He reaches behind me and secures them with a pair of handcuffs. When he pushes me back up in a sitting position he notices a pained look on my face. "What's wrong too tight?"
"Not the cuffs, Sir, the chastity cage."
He grabs his crotch and smiles, then raises his leg a bit and starts tapping his foot on my crotch. "Excited to get this off, eh?"
"Well, honestly, I do want it off, but I am mostly excited just to see you. And I wanted to apologize for the way I acted the other day and hope that you would still like to play?"
"Apology accepted." He lifts my shirt and starts playing with my nipples.
"Thank you." I moan and smile.
"But let me ask you, how was wearing the chastity device to work?
"It was frustrating and my dick ached all day."
“No, I meant how did it go? You were so worried that people would notice it."
"Oh, actually it was okay. I didn't notice anyone looking or staring at my crotch, so I don't think anyone had any idea."
"I see." He smirks. "I figured you would be okay, I've worn one many times." He continues to play with my nipples for a little while.
"Were you really only interested in trying the suit on the other day, or did you want me to dominate you?"
"Honestly... Only wanted to try the suit on...."
"Hmmm..." He stops playing with my nipples.
"But only because I didn't think you were interested in doming me. I've tried for a long time to get you to, but you never would. I was so surprised and extremely turned on when you did though."
He shifts in his seat, "You liked it then?"

"Oh, fuck yeah... was really hot."
"Well to be honest with you, I was just happy that you accepted my apology and wanted to be friends again and that you came over. I figured the least I could do was let you try on the suit."
"That was really hot."
"Yeah, it was a revelation for me... seeing you on the couch completely encased and locked in that leather, constantly pawing at your crotch... Something in me clicked and I found myself becoming extremely aroused by your predicament."
"Cool." I say.
"I have played on the Dom side before, but I've never wanted to actually get into it. But with you, it makes me hornier than hell."
"I wonder why?"
"Not sure. Maybe it has something to do with you exiting my life once before when I would've done anything to have you around?"
"That could be, I guess."
"I've jerked off several times a day thinking about your bound body struggling to get free when I was locking that cage on you... how upset you were when you found out there was nothing that you could do about it and had to deal with it until tonight." He starts squeezing his crotch, "See... I'm freaky hard again thinking about it."
So hot! I stare at his crotch.
He pulls his cock out and starts playing with it "You want this cock, slave?"
Oh yeah!
"What was that?"
I look at him puzzled.
"I said, do you want this cock, SLAVE?"
Oh... Yes, Master. Please can I worship your cock?
Much better, he then points it at me. "Lean and give it a kiss."
After I do he grabs my head and pushes down sideways onto his thigh and holds just inches from his crotch. He starts rubbing his cock over the side of my face and across my lips. "You want this cock to own you, slave?"
"Oh fuck yes, Master"
"Good, slave. Open your mouth." He shoves his cock in when I do and starts fucking my face. "Fuck! That feels so good." He stops just short of shooting and pulls out of my mouth. He rests for a minute before he pushes me out of the way and gets up. "I'll be right back." He says as he heads for the door.

"Where are you going?" I'm a little worried.
Just down to my car to grab something. He leaves and is only gone for a few minutes and returns with a bag in his hand. He walks up to me, removes the handcuffs and tells me to strip then meet him in my bedroom.
I quickly get all my clothes off and walk into my room where he has laid out a leather sleep sack on the bed. "Okay, slave, time for bed, and climb in."
I'm more than a little confused... "Wait, What? I thought you were taking this off? Aren't we going back to your place?"
"Stop asking questions and get over here."
I climb on the bed and lay down on the sack. He quickly gets my legs in and helps me slide my arms into the internal sleeves. Then zips it all the way and buckles up all the straps. "Fuck you look good strapped in there... How does it feel?"
"It actually feels very comfortable."
"Wiggle around a bit."
I attempt to wiggle, struggle and try to sit up but can't really do much. Was comfortable but very restrictive.
"Good, just how it should be." He quickly strips.
I notice his raging hard on, so he must really be enjoying this and think to myself that it's great to finally be Dominated by him after all this time.
He climbs on the bed and lies down on top of me. First he starts humping me, and then stares into my eyes for a moment and slowly starts kissing me. You are so fucking hot having you under my control. He slides off to one side of me and starts rubbing his hand all over my leather cocooned body. "Yeah, this is definitely hot." I can feel him grinding his hard cock into the side of the sack. He pats the chastity cage. "So, what do you say we finally take this thing off?"
Oh god yes. Please, Sir. My dick aches so badly.
He then pulls me towards the middle of the bed, rolls me over and climbs back on top of me. He grabs something out of his bag and before I can see what it is, it's being pulled down over my head. Then of course I realize that it is a leather hood. It doesn't have any eyes holes and has a built-in breather gag. He quickly gets it laced, zipped and locked. He rolls me back over and unzips the sack where it's covering my crotch and pulls the cage out.
My heart was racing, and I immediately begin humping the air.
My oh my oh aren't we getting a little excited?" I can feel him unlocking the pad lock and removing, and then slowly he begins to pull the cage off.
I gasp and moan as the cage is pulled off completely. The head of my dick is throbbing and my balls ache. I feel his hand on my cock and thrust my crotch into it.

Oh yeah. I bet that feels good?
I nod, "Mmmm Hmmm" and continue to hump his hand.
He lays down next to me and begins grinding his cock into the side of my leather encased body. He continues to tease my poor dick, now he's just barely running his fingertips over the head which is extremely stimulating but won't ever be enough to get me off.
I start to moan and groan and buck trying to get him to stroke it so I can eventually get off... which isn't too far away from where I'm at.
"Fuck this is too hot... You've got me so worked up... I was going to wait until I had you back at my place, but this is just too damned hot."
If feel him let go of my cock and I whine of course. Then he rolls me onto my side and unzips the zipper covering my ass. I feel the head of his cock being rubbed up and down my crack, then poking ay my hole, then slowly being pushed in. I grunt as his head pops through my hole and moan while he pushes all the way into me. He wraps one arm under my neck and around my chest and grabs my cock with his other hand. "Fuck, you have a nice tight hole." as he starts fucking me. For every five times he slides in and out of me he slowly pumps my cock once and it's driving me crazy.
"FFFaaaadddeerrrr" I scream in frustration.
"I don't think so, slave. I said the cage was coming off, I never said you were going to be able to cum."
"Nnnnoooo" I start shaking my head and thrashing around, and I try fucking his hand.
"Fuck yeah. Struggle so damned hot having you helpless and completely under control. You belong to me now... you're here for my pleasure and amusement."
I start shaking my head, "Nnnoooo".
"No? Oh, I think so. It's too late now."
I continue to struggle but who was I k**ding? Being strapped in a sleep sack where was I going to go. The struggling obviously really turned him on as it didn't take before he pushed into me as far as he could go and shot his load - it was strong enough that I could feel it slamming against the walls of my ass. He just laid there holding me. I of course was still hornier than fuck and kept trying to fuck his hand. Unfortunately he moved it down over my balls. I'm not sure how much time I spent bucking and struggling, but I was getting exhausted and I could feel his cock, which was still inside me, getting hard again.
"Fuck yeah, slave. Keep that up. If you can milk my cock with your ass, maybe I'll let you get off too."
Even though I was tired, I tried harder. I HAD to cum. I've never been so horny in my life. As I worked, his cock got harder and harder. At first he started teasing and fondling my dick, then he grabbed my shaft and let me fuck his hand. His heavier breathing told me that he might be getting close and so was I.
"Yeah... Try and get yourself off before I do... but I'm very fucking close."
He laid his hand over the front of the hood, covering the breather hole and nostril holes. I started squirming and bucking even harder. I was so fucking close I could taste it. Right at that moment, he let go of my dick and shot a second load into my ass. I started screaming, crying and begging...

More to cum???

Published by sir-lord-leather
11 years ago
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excellent, had me hard all the way to the end
yes - more cum please Sir!