Serious question for my Bi and Gay friends
My wife's new boyfriend is a bi 28 year old guy in great shape. He asked "M" if he could fuck me and she said yes. So to prepare I used an enema until the water came out clean and then had the idea to use a summer's eve douche to make sure I was fresh and smelling fresh and clean. After he used me "Really well I may say" he commented to "M" that I was so clean and it wasn't like anal sex at all. She snapped into "wife" mode and was concerned for the douche I used in my ass would be bad for my health. Does anyone out there know if its bad or not? I cant find anything on the net....I did like the feeling of being fresh and clean....Any help would be great! Thanks!
9 years ago
Now, how about some pictures of you and that young stud?